Saturday, March 1, 2014

Change is in the Wind

We have been blogging on Google BlogSpot for almost 7 yrs. and it is finally time for a make over and change. Our new marketing team for Human Capital 3.O is working diligently on a new site. In the ever changing world of social media its important that all of our online communication vehicles are integrated. Our website is under construction too....that might take a little longer, but we want to get it right.

Our business is going through major transformations and we hope to have some big news in the next few weeks.

Oh, I almost forgot...I am spending time as the acting Associate/Assistant Dean of the Business School at Adelphi....they needed help...I had some extra time...its only part time and we have plenty of resources to meet your specific needs. Plus I have access to some brilliant business faculty as comes with the about perks.

A Win -Win formula...we don't just call our selves thought leaders we are thought leaders...and we surround ourselves with thought leaders too!

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